Prof. Warwick Powell
Prof. Warwick Powell



Prof. Warwick Powell

Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Speech title:Heathy Dialogue: Wearable IOT and Big Data as the Front Line of a Healthy Community


Demand volumes for public health infrastructure and services far exceeds the capacity of the supply side. No matter the investments made in physical infrastructure and personnel training, demand continues to outstrip supply. This is the perennial paradox of health economics. Demand side management (DSM) is necessary to ensure health services are optimally delivered to those that need them and overcome the vicious cycle of cost blow-outs. DSM is necessarily a distributed activity, with opportunities to leverage IOT solutions to engage in an ongoing wellness dialogue with people to improve self awareness, deliver nudges where necessary utilising AI and Machine Learning, and implement effective triaging at the community level. 

Brief biography:

Warwick Powell is Adjunct Professor, QUT Design Lab at Queensland University of Technology. He is an acknowledge global leader in blockchain design strategy and thinking. Warwick’s publications can be found at:,_Warwick.html 

Warwick began his career in academia, teaching Chinese history and European cultural history at Griffith University. He graduated with First Class Honours and is the recipient of the prestigious University Medal for Academic Excellence. Warwick was also awarded a Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade scholarship to undertake postgraduate studies at People’s University, Beijing. He deferred his studies to begin work for Kevin Rudd in the Queensland Government.

He is the founding chairman and founder of Smart Trade Networks, a blockchain technology development and commercialisation company as well as BeefLedger, a global leader in applied blockchain solutions to the red meat sector. 

He is a director of a number of funds management companies responsible for funds established under an ASIC-approved Australian Financial Services License. He is a member of the Central Highlands Accelerate Agribusiness Advisory Board and was the founding Treasurer of Innovation NQ Inc., a not-for-profit innovation incubator in North Queensland.

He continues to teach professional courses in areas such as innovation, creativity, regional economic development and blockchain technology and has delivered guest lectures to undergraduate and masters level students at Queensland University of Technology, Jiaotong University (Shanghai), Beijing Normal University, Shenzhen University, James Cook University and Edith Cowan University.

Research Area:

Distributed ledger technologies; applied blockchain systems; behavioural economics; information theory; social theory; political economy